由我们的外部交换合作伙伴 Interval International®4 提供的全球上千家度假酒店能够拓宽您的出行之选。南非的开普敦、埃及的红海、委内瑞拉的安第斯山脉、斐济岛仅是可供您选择的少数几个充满异域风情、激动人心的目的地。

畅享 Interval International 交换礼遇*
以下是我们的会员可以选择的其中几家热门 Interval International 别墅度假酒店。

乡村俱乐部四季酒店位于高档的金塔湖度假酒店内,四周环绕 1,800 英亩(730 公顷)的松林,这片松林位于大西洋海岸和瑞安福尔摩萨自然公园旁。金塔湖拥有几个欧洲知名的高尔夫球场。俱乐部设有室内(恒温)和室外游泳池、蒸汽浴室、漩涡浴缸、日托中心、儿童游乐区、美发美容沙龙、精品店、游戏室、斯诺克台球厅、健身房和壁球馆。度假村内设有照明网球场、五人制足球场和双球道保龄球绿地。提供免费 Wi-Fi。

恩巴克威斯勒酒店是一家距离黑梳山山坡近在咫尺的四季度假酒店。这家乡间小屋风格的酒店装饰有结实的鹅卵石、天然板岩地板和厚重的冷杉木板。奢华的实木家具和色彩鲜艳、手工梭织的织物打造出粗犷而典雅的氛围。游客可体验高尔夫球、徒步、水上运动和附近的山地骑行。这家威斯勒的度假酒店距离不列颠哥伦比亚温哥华有 2 小时的车程,长期被评为北美优质滑雪胜地。

自然之神酒店位于比罗夫镇中心,毗邻各大购物场所、餐厅、温泉,乘坐空中缆车到达滑雪坡有 1,500 英尺(450 米)。每间公寓提供宽敞的开放式厨房、洗衣设施和私人阳台。


The Village Holiday Club
Located in charming Koutouloufari, the resort is an ideal choice for guests looking for an authentic Greek village ambiance. Offering a serene setting, it is within easy walking distance of restaurants, shops, and entertainment. In Koutouloufari, browse shops with artisan-crafted modern and traditional-style silver and gold jewelry, ceramics, leather, and metalwork, as well as replicas of ancient Cretan art and artifacts.

Alpenland Sporthotel - St. Johann-im-Pongau
Alpenland is set in one of Austria's prime ski areas, 30 miles (49 kilometers) south of "The Festival City" of Salzburg. The full-service resort offers four restaurants, a nightclub, shops, an indoor swimming pool, saunas, whirlpools, a solarium, and exercise room on-site. Surrounded by mountains and meadows, Alpenland, located in the heart of St. Johann, is a year-round vacation destination, with skiing, hiking, and climbing. Vacationers can take advantage of tours to castles, picturesque churches, and nearby ice caves. Munich, Vienna, and Milan are all accessible by car or train.
*With the exception of Plan Property and NDT Plan Property, which are available through Marriott Vacation Club Destinations, Bali Nusa Dua Gardens Timeshare Plan or Marriott Vacation Club Destinations, Bali Nusa Dua Terrace Timeshare Plan respectively, these holiday options are available through Abound by Marriott Vacations™.